Our products are as varied as the living areas, and in terms of the investments made or future investments, sometimes those of a lifetime, the question arises of the maintenance, the aspect and the respect of the materials. Which product? Which method? How do you save time?
Just to mention a few statements: whitish traces on the windows, permanently discolored furniture wood, stains on the walls, without a stool hardly washable ceilings and walls, bad smells from sofas and bed linen …, chimney windows to refurbish, often calcified or permanently dull stainless steel , touch screens / dashboards, which often attract dust, dirty stones inside and outside, fingerprints on kitchen cabinets, sweat and the like in sports clothes, dirty kitchen cupboard tops, greasy tile joints, sports equipment disinfection, garden furniture marked by severe weather and pollution, as well as thousands of other, very different cases which we treat with the widest possible versatility, in a simple and economical way.